Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Pest Control: Helpful Tips For You

Are things crawling creepily around your home during bedtime? Do you see the tell-tale signs of creatures that have invaded your home? Renters and homeowners that discover a pest issue need to deal with it promptly, as it won’t go away by itself. Continue reading this article to find out how you can rid yourself of pests.

When you find holes that pests can get in through, stop it up with steel wool. Rodents can bite through a lot but this might be cause an issue for them. Seal any small holes and cracks you see. Such animals have the ability to squeeze themselves through tiny openings.

If brown recluse spiders have invaded your home, catch them with some sticky traps. This particular species of poisonous spider likes to make its nest in very deep parts of your home, which means killing them with chemicals is problematic. They look for food at night. Keep traps near the walls and furniture to catch them.

Always have a new home inspected by a pest specialist. Certain signals of infestation prove easy to spot and identify. However, be mindful that you might not know what exact species you are dealing with for at least a few days.

In order to prevent insects from coming inside, use a perimeter spray outside. Make sure to spray the foundation along with areas around windows and doors. Always spray the pesticides in the cracks that you see. You should then seal off these places with caulk or whatever filler you prefer.

Mint helps you battle against a mice problem. Plant mint outside around your home’s foundation. Mice will not want to live near this fragrant plant. If mice are already in your home, place mint leaves around areas they are found in. This usually repels them, but the leaves used must be fresh.

No matter if you rent or own, you do not want to live with pests. Use the information from this article to evict pests from your home for good. You should be able to live without seeing bugs running around.

Pest Control: Helpful Tips For You


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